Wyzi - Social Directory WordPress Theme

Wyzi - Social Directory WordPress Theme

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Wyzi Service Business Finder WordPress Theme is an advanced Social Business & Service Multi-Store Directory Theme, which targets to build a website that overcomes the gap between Businesses and Customers. You can have Listing Owner ( Service or Business Owner ) and Clients. Listing Owners have Dashboard to manage their Listings from. Admin can also create unlimited number of Listings and manage them all from Backend. Business Owner can be a Company or a Manual Worker or a Doctor, and Clients can buy Products or book a Service from Business Owner.

Each Business / Service Owner can have a Business Wall and post Business Statuses, share their News, Updates, Images & Videos, manage Booking Calendar, manage Appointments, plus sell Products & Post Job Vacancies. Business Owners have their own frontend profile. Customers can Like & Comment on Business Owners Statuses for direct interactivity between Businesses & Clients.

Booking is a powerful feature in Wyzi, where each Listing owner can have his own Calendar for each of his Listings, setting time spans, appointments spaces, custom fields, prodcuts linking for customers to pay and much more. Appointments requests can be accepted or rejected from owner Dashboard. Customers can also view their upcoming booking appointments from their User Dashboard.

Unlimited Businesses / Services Listing Pages

Admin can create unlimited number of Businesses Listings and assign each Business to a Business Owner or a Business Owner can create a Business Listing using Frontend Submission.

Control your Map Directory Icons

You can specify you Map Points Color and Icon for each Category to help your customers find what they are looking for quicker and easier. Changing Pointer Color and Icon can be done by Admin with no code at all.

Each Business Owner can create his own Statuses and Posts, with or without an image or Video to be shown on your website general wall, which will increase interactivity on your website.

Multi-Vendor WooCommerce Stores

Opening Closing Times Submission

Each Business or Service Provider can specify his opening or availability times while creating his submission or updated later.

Advanced Listing Ratings

Clients can rate Businesses in a specific category and leave a comment describing their rate.

Earn Money Details

1) Businesses can Sell Products and Admin gets commission in multi-WooCommerce Stores. All payments will go to Admin and then he can pay Businesses through PayPal or Bank Accounts Transfers. Products are submitted to Admin for Approval. Commission can be Global or on a Product Basis.

2) Subscription Packages can be created by Admin for Business / Services Owners to choose from, using Paid Memberships Pro plugin. You will be able to choose one of the following Payment Gateways : Pay By Check, Stripe, Paypal, Authorize.net, Braintree, 2checkout or Cybersource.

3) Businesses will pay Admin on Business Creation or on publishing Offers (Ads) through points that can be bought from Shop. Fully Compatible with WooCommerce to receive payments through PayPal, Stripe or any desired payment gateway.

4) Admin can create unlimited Businesses and when Business owner wants to control his business, he can Claim business and pay Admin.

5) Admin can choose to hide any page from Non-Subscribers to a specific plan of his choice.

6) Booking can be related to WooCommerce Products for Customers to pay and Admin can set his Commission percentage on a Vendor or Product basis.

See all Features Details on Online Documentation.

Wyzi Change Log

Visit this Page to see NEW FEATURES Documentation

Version 2.4.5 – 15 Aug 2021
– Fix – Business listing CSS changed, need to be fixed for some design issues
– Fix – Fix Product Category Filter in Single business page
– Fix – Remove preg_replace error being created in Debug on each load
– Fix – Fix Error in Theme, causing Warning in Blog Comment Form
– Fix – Fix Small Design issue in Widgets Section
– Update – Update pot
Version 2.4.4 – 10 Aug 2021
– New Feature – User Profiles, where all users can enjoy their own user Profile with Modern Look
– New Feature – Connect Comment Profile with Personal Profile + Show proper profile images
– New Feature – Add dropdown for Product Tab in Single Business page to filter products according to categories
– New Feature – New Option to Defer Parsing all JavaScript Files for fast Load Times
– New Feature – New Option to Preload Stylesheets for fast Load Times
– Enhance – Wyzi Toolkit Options page into Class for faster render and ease of adding more options in future
– Enhance – Set Transient Cache for category slider to lower query consumption on server side
– Enhance – Set Transient Cache for Categories Dropdown to lower query consumption on server side
– Enhance – Reduced number of queries of get_image to eliminate duplicate queries that has big effect on loading times especially for template 1
– Enhance – Removed CPK_WPCSV_Engine call from front end to reduce loading time TTFB as this function is purely backed
– Enhance – Main Page google map did not load sometimes as Browsers Dom firing before Jquery ready function
– Enhance – Enhance Posts Design and look
– Fix – Favorite Business Post Email not saving to ON in Toolkit Options Settings
– Fix – Location Dropdown in Wyzi Custom Search, getting an unnecessary first empty field
– Fix – Exporting a single business calendar Appointments from Backend used to export empty CSV
– Fix – Booking calendars assigned to user ID instead of email address, users can change email address without loosing calendars
– Fix – User Dashboard Style 2 Avatar fixed
– Fix – Fix Clicking Unread in user Dashboard will forward user to Inbox
– Fix – Manual Appointments in Client Dashboard should not appear
– Fix – Fix case subscription mode is on and Template 2 is used, login for non-subscribers not redirecting to user dashabord
Version 2.4.3 – 2 Feb 2021
– Security – Fix a vulnerability against XSS attacks against users opening a malicious link or page
– New Feature – New feature required fields in Business Submission form will have a red star to help users know required fields
– New Feature – Business Post CPT Name have 1 new variables to be included in URL slug %bus_name% for better URL format
– Enhance – Allow business owner to delete his own uploaded images
– Enhance – Newly created Users through Direct booking from Business Calendars are given client role instead of subscriber role
– Enhance – Remove Edit Profile from Appointments Section in Client User Dashboard as it has no usefulness
– Enhance – In case Admin chooses Mobile Menu Homepage to be same as Desktop Homepage an infinite refresh loop starts which is avoided now
– Enhance – Give Business Owner in User Dashboard Style 2 ability to specify which business an offer is related to
– Enhance – Add an option for pages with map to turn on off mouse zoom on scroll using map
– Enhance – Add ability for Business Post to choose which Business it is related to from the backend for admin to choose
– Enhance – Google maps radius incorrect opacity: looks like the circle is being drawn multiple times when Geolocation is turned on and number of businesses is above 400.
– Enhance – Generated category icons are not removed when you remove the Category Icon
– Fix – Fix small CSS in sharing in Style 1, where share button had white color and not contrasted with background
– Fix – Week Days Names Disappearing on Mobile in Custom Open Close time when Open or Close All Day is chosen
– Fix – Mobile CSS issue for Business Archive page in case Grid View is on in Template 1
– Fix – Business Finder Demo Home 5 Fix Radius Slider getting out of range inside Revolution Slider
– Fix – Show Paid Service Product in Custom Fields of booking product after disappearing in last update
– Fix – A small bug in user dashboard calendar while adding a multi day where page while still called page not udpage
– Fix – Small Translation issue in New Multiday Booking Feature
– Fix – Fix Custom CSS option stopping with Latest WordPress version
– Fix – Some CSS issue in Admin WordPress > Toolkit Options affected after WordPress 5.5
– Fix – WCMP Vendor FrontEnd Adding Products where only products assigned to a specific Vendor appear in his User Dashboard where previously Product Author was queried
– Fix – CSS Alignment in Businesses grid view in case a business has no Location
– Fix – Inbox link in dropdown menu from My Account btn not linking correctly
– Fix – Template 1 Header CSS causing social icons to look different
– Fix -All sub menu items of My Account btn where they had non-useful links
– Update – Added WooCommerce Lightbox Zooming and Slider option for single product page images
– Update – Update POT file for translation of new Text
Version 2.4.2 – 19 Aug 2020 – Urgent Update Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
– Very Important Update – Update Compatibility Fix WordPress 5.5 User Dashboard Style 2 Links change from page to udpage due to new reserved words in new WordPress update
– Very Important Update – Update Compatibility fix all .live(click Jquery events are changed to .on(click to suit latest Jquery update shipped with latest WordPress version 5.5
– New Feature – Multi-Day Booking Featured added to Wyzi Booking System
– Enhance – Subscription Packages in User Dashboard were not styled properly
– Fix – Fix progress bar line disappearance in Template one while adding a business
– Fix – The CSS Misalignment for tabs icons in single Business page is fixed
– Fix – Fix a small translation issue in Appointment from to was not translating
– Fix – Fix Avatar in Private messaging system appearing in the different user during chat among two business owners
– Fix – Fix User Account Dashboard Inbox Meter on Landing page in case the business owner is the sender
– Fix – Fix few CSS issues in Adding new Business in User Dashboard Style 2
– Fix – Fix Few CSS Issues for Mobile View of User Dashboard Style 2
– Fix – Fix Italic icons in Single Business page
– Fix – Fix add and remove btns in open close times while adding a business by business owner
– Fix – Booking Infinite loop when booking bulk appointment starting after 8 pm
– Update – Update all premium plugins
Version 2.4.1 – 20 Jun 2020
– New Feature – Add ability for admin to choose maximum number of categories a subscription level can have
– Enhance – Signing up at rating tab should redirect one to rating tab
– Enhance – Mobile Home Page is not working on cache activation
– Enhance – Make Category Slider Parent Clickable in case Admin is not using Child Categories
– Enhance – Update Location Query which speeds up Admin dashboard a lot and stop its duplicate query that used to query all locations at once
– Enhance – Cached wyz_remove_products function results using transient to lower number of repetitive queries to once per 24 hours, yet the cached results are deleted once a woo-commerce product is updated or created.
– Enhance – Sold by on The Order confirmation page, linked now to Business name instead of vendor name according too Sold By Option
– Enhance – Add specific ID for Custom Fields of Business Fields for later use
– Enhance – Remove Add new in case of a client, as clients do not add anything in User Dashboard Style 2
– Enhance – Front End Location Drop Down list Optimised for long queries for speed purposes
– Enhance – change all booked_update_timeslots hooks
– Enhance – include custom css in user dashboard
– Enhance – Allow for a business to select no location in backend
– Enhance – Remove advanced meta search from backend business search to speed up backend search
– Enhance – Include google fonts in user dashboard
– Fix – google login error
– Fix – Design of membership level submission for in user dashboard is broken
– Fix – Manual appointments js error
– Fix – font-awesome overridden by font awesome 5
– Fix –  Booking appointment checkbox still shows even after disabling booking appointments
– Fix –  Fix Upon updating Business if a field left empty was not updating empty
– Fix –  fixed disappearing WordPress Dashboard on Wyzi Options page in WordPress Backend
– Fix –  User Dashboard Style 1 Favourite tab disappeared for clients in case of subscription is ON
– Fix –  Small JS error fix upon rating a business in new PHP Strict version
– Fix –  Turning Booking off from Toolkit settings did not remove Appointments for clients, now fixed
– Fix –  Bookable products option that did not take effect in Frontend user submission of Product
– Fix –  Remove myavatar variable from pm.js in Internal messaging system that caused sometimes Send Quote not available
– Fix –  Specifying Typography options in wyzi options affected Wp Admin Bar, now fixed by excluding Admin Classes
– Fix –  When a business of approved bug email was not sent is fixed
– Fix –  Hide orders tab option that did not hide shop tab in User Dashboard Style 1
– Fix –  View Offer in user Dashboard where it was still pointing to offers Archives instead of single business offer tab
Version 2.4.0 – 29 Jan 2020
– Amazing New Feature – SubScription Checkout in User Dashabord Style 2 can be completed now inside User Dashboard
– Amazing New Feature – Front End Manual Appointments, where Business Owners can add their own Appointments that took place offline
– Amazing New Feature – Get Directions feature has been added, from Single Business Page, Users can click Get Directions
– New Feature – All signup and Login links come now from one function with code Filter ability
– New Feature – Ability for Admin to directly Add Appointment Prices from the Calendar in WP Dashboard > Appointments > Settings > Custom Time Slots
– New Feature – Admin can post on behalf of business owners on their business page from business page frontend
– New Feature – Enhance Admin can add products to sell to his own Businesses instead of Vendors only
– New Feature – New option in Membership Levels, allow or disallow for multi-category select for businesses
– Enhance – In Template 2, in case Header was an image in the Single business page instead of Map, there was no place for business title to show. This is enhanced now.
– Enhance – Appointment Price now appears directly in Appointments calendar before opening the popup
– Enhance – Allow Video Uploads Privilege to be controlled in Membership Subscription Levels
– Enhance – Update Nice Scroll Js file to get rid of JS error [Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to the target being treated as passive.
– Enhance – Optimize Speed in Backend on a very huge number of businesses, where WP Job Manager was loading all businesses on each admin page visit, now narrowed to only job page to increase the loading speed of admin pages without the need to pull all businesses on every load
– Enhance – Searching with Filters with location and radius used to be very slow because of loading all businesses and checking the radius of each one by one, now it is changed to SQL query which is much faster
– Enhance – Creating Category and map icons that caused some problems on rare cases in servers with High-Security measurements
– Enhance – Fixed problem appearing in Single Business Page caused by single-busienss-all.js file when using PHP 7.3.11 and above with Jquery $ arguments
– Enhance – Update RTL Content to fix some CSS Style Issues
– Enhance – Make Automatic Calendar Name %s Calendar to be dynamically translatable
– Enhance – Remove Blog Name from Subject upon sending an email so Admin has full control over the email subject
– Enhance – Phone number billing field to become text so plus sign can be entered by users in their profile
– Fix – Fixed a Bug that caused Custom Form Display to show extra unneeded data sometimes
– Fix – Fixed WC marketplace (3.4.3) and above Orders in vendor dashboard: Edit order status button (new feature), when clicking the dropdown does not work, so it is not possible to edit the order status to Completed order for example.
– Fix – Fixed: Booking product: when adding a product, in the vendor dashboard, the option “Booked Service Appointment” it is not visible anymore, so no bookable product can be added
– Fix – Fixed: When performing order and paying out, the checkout does not redirect to the page titles “Order received” with the order details.
– Fix – Fix a problem in Global map where logos stopped showing after the first load of Businesses Ajax request
– Fix – Horizontal Scroll when the nice scroll is activated
– Fix – Fix a JS error in Archives Map page InvalidValueError at index 0 at index 0not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral with finite coordinates
– Fix – Fix error in User Dashboard Style 2, Turning off used to turn off Adding new Jobs and not the whole Jobs Tab
– Update – Updated all Premium Plugins to the latest version
– Update – Update all Translation pot file for translation for all new features, enhances and fixes
Version 2.3.2 – 25 Sept 2019
– Fix – Fixed an issue that caused Template 2 Single business not show Map caused by scrolling variable in single business js
Version 2.3.1 – 21 Sept 2019
– Amazing New Feature – New Demo: Wyzi Doctors is now available
– Amazing New Feature – Tooltips: All Business Fields, Custom Fields, Profile Fields & Calendar fields have ToolTips to be controlled by admin
– New Feature – Signup form Dis-engage current Profile Custom Fields from Sign up form, while keeping Custom fields controlled by Admin and appearing in User Dashboard.
– New Feature – Ability to specify each User Registration field be in Sign up or Dashboard Profile
– New Feature – Added new exif_imagetype Function Availability check for server status
– New Feature – New PMPro level options to control User Dashboard Menu on/off depending on the subscription level
– New Feature – Image Dialog Uploader is enhanced with new CSS for distinctive behavior
– New Feature – Business owner can specify now private images for his own use without showing in public
– New Feature – New Header has been added in Template 2
– Enhance – Custom CSS class name for Custom fields is added on Single Business pages
– Enhance – small fix email verify redirecrt url after signing up
– Enhance – Upon Changing Password give an error message in case new password fields do not match
– Enhance – Update Job Manager Template to suit the new version in submitting Jobs from User Dashboard
– Enhance – On Subscription mode, woocommerce mode , user dashbaoprd style 2, adding woocommerce product from within the user dashboard will now show a message to go directly to the cart page
– Enhance – Recent orders, shipping, and billing addresses, edit your password” redirect to the wrong URLs in the shop page. in Dashboard style 2 is now enhanced
– Enhance – My Account Drop Down Menu now follows PMPro Subscription level options
– Enhance – added WPML compatibility code sent by WPML for Registration From labels
– Fix – Send in private inbox in being received in sent instead of inbox sometimes
– Fix – Fixed small bug when searching Business tag & category at the same time
– Fix – Mobile offer slider business details did not show fully
– Fix – Wall Small issue with new PHP version which caused repetitive Wall Posts
– Fix – Template 2, Case Image Header, fixed Favourite Button
– Fix – Users can’t reset the password on mobile devices is now fixed
– Fix – Option tree special characters saving special characters for custom CSS field like >
– Fix – Client signup mail subject bug

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